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Full Interview (11/24/21)

Tim Cook: Is this your first campaign for public office?

​Jennifer: Yes, this is my first campaign for public office.



Tim Cook: Why are you running for commission?

​Jennifer: I never anticipated that I’d run for public office, but I’ve become increasingly frustrated with this country’s leftward march.  In the past two years, I’ve watched as that leftward march has become an all-out sprint.  Over-regulation, poor economic policy, political correctness, and cancel-culture are destroying people’s lives and livelihoods.  To top it off, our freedoms have been taken away in the name of “safety”.  This has occurred at all levels of government and it’s been frightening to watch.  That’s not the America I grew up in.  If no one steps up to reverse this dangerous course I fear for my children’s future.  These problems were a long time in the making and they must be fixed from the bottom-up.  That’s why I’m running for County Commission: to be an elected official who supports the vision of our Founding Fathers: Faith, Family and Freedom.  As we return to those bedrock principles we will get Jefferson County, and our country, back on the track to freedom and prosperity.


​​Tim Cook: What issues are important to you and what do you want to accomplish as commissioner?

​Jennifer: As Commissioner the first question I will ask myself when considering any policy is “does this increase or decrease the freedom of the citizens of Jefferson County”.  I will NEVER vote for a policy that decreases our freedom.  Freedom can manifest itself in many forms: economic freedom, freedom from over-intrusive government, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion to name a few. 

To be free, we must first feel safe and secure.  As the mother of an EMT, I know the dangers that the police and first responders face every day.  That’s why I will make it my mission to ensure that these brave men and women have all the resources they need to safely protect and help the residents of Jefferson County. 

To be free, we need to be able to support our families without government getting in the way.  That’s why I will oppose intrusive governmental regulation of small business.  Businesses not only supply the goods and services we all use, they provide the jobs our families need to thrive.  By working together with business leaders and county residents, I will ensure that Jefferson County continues to grow in a way that is beneficial to everyone involved.  I will also do everything in my power to ensure that businesses are NEVER shut down again like they were before.

Finally, to be free we need to be able to take care of ourselves without relying on government.  The best way to help someone who is in trouble is to put them in a position to help themselves.  That’s why I will work to implement programs in Jefferson County that help those in need pull themselves out of poverty, illness, or addiction.  When we give our neighbors a hand-up rather than a hand-out, we not only strengthen them, but we strengthen Jefferson County.



Tim Cook: You'll be running against John Doyle (other people may enter the race too). He's a longstanding liberal Democrat politician, you're a political newcomer conservative Republican. That's a clear ballot choice for voters?

​Jennifer: I agree that running against John Doyle would provide a stark contrast for the voters of Jefferson County.  The Founding Fathers envisioned a country run by “citizen statesmen”; concerned citizens who would give of themselves to help their community for a short time and then return to their lives.  Mr. Doyle was first elected to office in 1982.  He’s the quintessential “career politician”.  He’s also likely the most liberal one in the entire state.  He was the sole vote against the right of self-defense in 2008, he recently drafted red-flag legislation, he supports abortion on-demand, he’s anti-business, and he’s fully in favor of the governmental power-grabs that have occurred over the last two years.  He’s consistently in favor of whatever the Leftist cause of the day happens to be.  He’s a poor fit for Jefferson County.

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